- Seeing Staff Availability and Leave on the Roster
- Publishing Draft Shifts
- Using Roster Warnings on the Roster
- Standard Unpaid Breaks and Custom Unpaid Breaks
- Introduction to Shift Swaps and Open Shifts
- Copying an Existing Roster
- How to See Which Staff are on Leave when Rostering
- Adding Shifts on your Roster
- Sorting the Roster View
- Differences between Daily and Weekly/Monthly Roster Views
- Adding Draft Shifts after Publishing a Roster
- Editing a Shift
- Finding Available Staff for a Pending Shift on the Dashboard
- Setting up Standard Unpaid Breaks in a Roster
- Enabling Staff to see the Roster
- Viewing the Hours Each Staff Member has been Rostered
- Using the Financial Summary and Budgeting
- Deleting Shifts
- How are Rosters Communicated to my Staff?
- Colour Coding a Roster
- Copying a Shift from One Day to Another
- Setting Revenue Forecasts for Roster Budgets
- Viewing Shifts in the Past
- Viewing a Specific Staff Member on the Roster
- How Many Shifts has my Staff Member Worked?
- Printing a Roster
- Creating and Reusing Roster Templates
- Creating a Roster Template with Unfilled/Open Shifts