This article is designed for: User Type: Admins or Managers Device: Web Browser

As you work in the roster screen, any visible shifts are validated to check if the shift(s) meet any roster warning conditions. So, if you change the roster period, the roster filters or add/update shifts, the warnings will update. Roster warnings won't prevent you from doing anything. They are there to help, but you can choose to resolve the issues or leave them if they are not impacting your business.

Where to See Roster Warnings

The warnings will be shown as a small warning symbol on any shift listed in the warnings. If you hover your mouse over the warning, you will see which warning is flagged on the shift. Sometimes, there may be more than one warning.

Elf Roster Warnings on Roster.png

Elf Roster Warnings on Roster 3.png Elf Roster Warnings on Roster 2.png


You will also see the warning filters in the roster header. This will show you the number of shifts that are impacted by warnings.

Elf Roster Filters and Warnings.png

If you hover over the warning counter, you can tick specific warnings to filter the roster and address any shifts impacted by those warnings.

Clubs Roster Warning Dropdown.png


Understanding the Different Roster Warnings

Roster warnings will flag shifts that meet the warning conditions. You can choose to resolve the warning or leave them as they are. The suggestions on fixing roster warnings below are a general guide and there may be additional options available to you. 

Overlap Shifts

Overlapping shifts are shifts that a staff member has which has any portion of the shift overlap with another shift they have on the same site. There are always two or more shifts involved.

To fix an Overlapping Shift, you can:

  • assign one of the shifts to another staff member,
  • reduce the length of one of the shifts so it doesn't overlap with another of their shifts, or
  • delete one of the shifts.

Shift Swaps

Shift swap warnings are shifts that a staff member has requested to swap. So, for a shift swap warning to show, the shift needs to be published, and the staff requests a shift swap.

To fix a Shift Swap warning, you can:

  • process the shift swap from the Pending Shifts widget on the dashboard - Using the widget will allow you to approve or decline the request. You can choose from Available Candidates (staff who have nominated themselves for the shift), Potential Matches (staff that match the site and position of the shift) and All Staff,
  • edit the shift on the roster and assign the shift to either a Potential Match or any staff of your choice, or
  • delete the shift.

Shifts with Unavailable Staff

Unavailable staff warnings are when a staff member's availability or approved leave overlaps with their shift. To determine the cause, hover over the warning symbol on the shift.

To fix the Shifts with Unavailable Staff warning, you can:

  • assign the shift to another staff member,
  • delete the shift, or
  • if the warning is for a staff member who is partially available, reduce the length of the shifts so the shift fits within their availability.

Rostered on Another Site

Rostered on another site is a very similar warning type to overlapping shifts. However, it is specific to overlaps across two sites. The warning has been split up to give more context to anyone who might be rostering staff on one site and unsure why there is an overlap warning. For Assistants or Managers who don't have access to all sites, it may not be obvious what is causing it if it was an overlap warning. For clarity, rostered on another site warnings won't double up in overlapping shifts warnings.

To fix a Rostered on Another Site warning, you can:

  • assign one of the shifts to another staff member,
  • reduce the length of one of the shifts so it doesn't overlap with another of their shifts, keeping in mind travel time if applicable, 
  • delete one of the shifts, or
  • if you don't have access to the sites and need the staff member, you may need to speak with an admin or manager of the other site to see whether they can fix the warning from their end.

Daily Overtime Issues

Daily overtime issue warnings are based on the overtime configuration in your Pay Templates and will show on the roster if a shift has any daily overtime payable.

To fix a Daily Overtime warning, you can:

  • split the shift across two different staff,
  • reduce the shift length, or
  • delete the shift.

Weekly Overtime Issues

Weekly overtime issue warnings are based on the overtime configuration in your Pay Templates and will show on the roster if a shift has any weekly overtime payable.

To fix a Weekly Overtime warning, you can:

  • split the shift across two different staff,
  • assign the shift to another staff,
  • reduce the shift length,
  • delete the shift, or
  • you might be able to reduce their hours on other shifts.

Staff Working Over Max Hours

Staff working over max hours warnings show when the staff member's rostered hours for the week, go over the allocated max hours on the staff card. Unlike overtime, max hours aren't assigned to a pay rule, so exceeding the max hours doesn't change the pay rate. They should be used when a particular staff member cannot exceed a certain number of hours. Max hours could be used for any purpose you want but may be used if the legislation your staff falls under restricts working more than a certain number of hours or if the staff requests to work only a certain number of hours.

For this warning to work, you must set the staff max hours on the payroll tab of the staff card located on the Staff screen. You can enter their max hours and click Save.

Clubs Staff Max Hours.png

To fix Staff Working over Max Hours warnings, you can:

  • split the shift across two different staff,
  • assign the shift to another staff,
  • reduce the shift length, 
  • delete the shift, or
  • you might be able to reduce their hours on other shifts.




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