Permission Level: Admins

Device: Web Browser

This article is designed for Admins to access via Web Browser.


Adding Staff

Now that you have your Sites and Positions. You can start adding Staff. As you enter each staff member, you will be able to assign them to the various sites they can work at and the positions they can perform.

Make sure to add their contact details (email and mobile number) so that they are automatically notified later when rosters are published.

Once the staff member is added, they will be notified via email, prompted to download the ClubsHR App, and requested to update their availability.


1. Click on the Staff tab at the top of your screen.

2. You can either click the Plus (+) button to the top left of the screen to add a new staff member or click on an existing Staff member to open up the Info tab.

3. Fill in their details (name, email, mobile, DOB). Then click Update.

We'll cover the rest of the tabs on the staff card later.

TIP: Our 'getting started' articles are designed to familiarise you with each section of ClubsHR with simple steps. However, if you have a lot of staff, you can save time by importing staff from CSV or importing from Xero

Adding Managers

In ClubsHR, Managers and Assistant Managers are staff with more permissions than a regular staff member. Both types of Managers are assigned to Site(s) by Admins. Their permissions allow them to approve or make changes for staff ONLY on the sites you have them set up as a manager.

Both roles have very similar permissions. The main difference is Managers can see staff wage rates and financials, which allows them to help with wage budgets, whereas Assistant Managers can also plan rosters, approve leave, and approve payroll hours. However, they can't help manage labour cost budgets or sales targets.

NOTE: If you have created a Position called Manager and don't want all staff assigned to the 'manager position' to have additional permissions, rest assured that labelling someone with the position of manager is unrelated to this feature.

The steps below will cover adding an assistant or a manager via the Sites tab. You can also manage staff permissions from the Staff tab. The Staff tab is an excellent way to troubleshoot and review permissions each staff has across the platform. A complete overview and a detailed list of permissions can be found here.


1. Go back to the Sites tab.

2. Select a Site (or Add a Site.)

Clubs Sites.png

3. Go to the Mangers tab or Assistants tab to assign Staff to one of the Site Manager(s) roles.

4. Click on the Plus (+) on either of the above tabs. If the staff member doesn't show up, they may have a different level of permissions for a different site or they may have admin permissions. To troubleshoot this, click here.

5. Select the Staff and click Update.


Prev: Adding Positions Next Up: Creating a Roster




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